Social Responsibility

These efforts are deeply personal to us and will help embody the innovative and sustainable company we seek to create. We have already begun impactful programs with the launch of Capitolis Connects in the Spring of 2019—where we donate 10% of all transactional revenue from our platform for a month. In 2023, our Capitolis Connects program continues with charities selected by our employees in New York, London and Tel Aviv in the philanthropic category of Human Services. Furthermore, we have actively engaged in volunteer efforts across our offices, giving our time back to the communities we live and work in.

The groundwork for our eco-driven efforts is also developing as we take ownership of our impact on the environment. To start, there are a number of tangible efforts across our offices we’ve implemented:
- Full-office recycling program
- Using recycled (100% postconsumer) paper
- Using 100% biodegradable, all-natural cleaning supplies
- Eliminating disposable kitchen supplies
- Eliminating bottled water to reduce waste
- Stocking pantry with a mix of vegan, ethically sourced and produced snacks
- Ordering from local suppliers whenever possible to reduce carbon footprint
- Sourcing all of our company “swag” and gifts from companies with sustainability practices
- For office expansion, furniture sourced and manufactured locally
- Supporting sustainable, underrepresented artists and florists
- Adding an ESG requirement into our vendor procurement process
- Housing our offices in buildings with certified responsible energy usage